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31. 与客户还价12句全能商务电话口语

...离岸价150美元。     6. Your counteroffer is too low and we can’t accept it.     你方还价太低了,我方无法接受。     7. I’m afraid I don’t find your price competitive at all.     我看你们的报...

/show-8310.html 2011-03-18

32. 2010秋季MAISOamOBJET巴黎家居装饰博览会盛况

...OBJET éditeurs, MAISOamOBJET l projets l , MAISOamOBJET mueacute;es and Craft dash; the Arts and Craft area 2011121日-25日dash; 巴黎北郊维勒蓬特 相关信息,敬请咨询: 巴黎家居装饰博览会中国代表机构李思小姐 北京市东城区东...

/show-18188.html 2011-11-16

33. 建筑创作原点与过程/MASTERS at WORK

...ooks with big, glossy photographs featuring the latest architectural works and their makers. Although the quality of the printing is indeed exceptional and the photographs nice to look at, their content is way too general and they give the reader no more than shallow pleasure at their content. In...

/show-15589.html 2011-09-19

34. Aecom成为世界上最大建筑事务所

...宁谢工程咨询公司(Davis Langdon)。据说,HOK, Gensler, RMJM and Aedas 等建筑事务所都是Aecom建筑事务所希望兼并的对象。   2、Aecom建筑事务所设计的洛杉矶警察总局大楼。   但Aecom建筑事务所在伦敦的全球总裁贾森-普赖尔...

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35. 光与建筑融为一体-上海华为研发中心

...集团及美国凯里森建筑事务所 Zhejiang Cotruction Design Group and Callison Architecture and Design (USA), www.callison.com 灯光设计Lighting Design: I, www.brandston.com 灯具Light Fixtures: SLOTLIGHT, CARDAN - IRIT, DL3000, PANOS 灯具提供 Light Fixturersquo; Sulier: 奥德...

/show-18078.html 2011-11-16

36. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:Isla Palenque

...师协会(ASLA)专业奖”专题 “The concept is effective and comprehensive. It combines the sustainable resort and eco-tourism. As part of the ecotourism concept, it seems that they spoke to the people who live there and the solutions were developed from their culture, which is ver...

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37. “现代工程和建筑公司”获得阿布扎比港口合同

...,韩国“现代工程和建筑公司”(Hyundai Engineering and Cotruction Company)被授予一个价值3.29亿美元的合同,从事阿布扎比的“哈里发港和工业区”(KPIZ)的一些建设工作。 这些工作包括“海岸码头区”(Offsho...

/show-18101.html 2011-11-16

38. 25位全球顶尖室内设计师访谈 直击大师手笔

...,并逐渐成为美国顶级的室内设计大师之一。   Study and absorb the good things that you see and then put them together in your own way. It has all been done before but, your way is the newest. ——Mario Buatta(研究、吸收你能看到的好设计,最终变成...

/show-11878.html 2011-08-15

39. 石材标准之建筑用卵石、碎石

...:GB/T 14685-2001 建筑用卵石、碎石   英文名称:Pebble and Crushed Stone for Building   发布日期:2001.07.13   实施日期:2002.02.01   发布部门:中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局   提出单位:国家建筑材料工业局 ...

/show-637.html 2012-06-06

40. 石材行业国家标准编号三

... Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength of Chemical-Resistant Mortar, Grouts, and Monolithic Surfacings ...

/show-666.html 2010-04-19