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red dot award(红点奖)源自德国。red dot是与iF奖齐名的一个工业大奖,是世界上知名竞赛中最大最有影响的竞赛之一。普普通通的生活小用品经过设计师的精心加工,也成了令人惊叹的艺术品。剪刀,订书机这些寻常的东西此刻也因其别致的设计和造型而变的不寻常。一起来感受独特的它们带给我们的独特感觉吧!
Anything Collection Stationery
red dot: best of the best
red dot award: product design 2009



Landscapes of functionality
Form and function are very closely related to one another and every well-designed product interprets this relation in its own often highly individual approach. “Each product serves its function, while addressing issues/changes within its environment,” explains the designer of the Anything Collection, Michael Sodeau. According to this maxim, he created a formally well-balanced assortment of objects for the desk. The idea was to create an architectural landscape with the elements of this collection, and the longer one lets their forms work their magic, the clearer it becomes that this is exactly what their design achieves. The scissors, the clock and the tape dispenser are each self-contained in their form – yet they complement each other into a harmonious unit. An important guiding line for the design was freedom of form to create a product collection that wants to adapt to the demands of today’s offices. The design mirrors this openness; the forms of cubist as well as organic appeal showcase elements of retro design in a highly idiosyncratic interpretation. The colour choice of yellow, white, orange and black further enhance this impression. A highly interesting solution are the scissors plus base: highly consistent in their individual forms, these two elements blend into a unity so that the scissors, which rest well in the hand, seem to formally flow into the shape of the base. A Japanese Samurai Tanto sword served as the inspiration for the combination of the scissors and base part which – just like that sword’s sheath and handle – appear to seamlessly flow one into the other. 
