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2010红点获奖作品 Helix系列螺旋铰链眼镜
red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best

The metamorphosis of the spiral
The spiral can be found everywhere in nature, in both animate and inanimate objects. An outstanding example is the shell of the marine creature called Nautilus, but fern leaves too first wind around the stem in a spiral shape, before growing further to unfold. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe even developed the idea of a spiral tendency in all vegetal forms, “according to which, in combination with the vertical tendency, each shape, each new leaf or petal of a plant obeys the same basic rule of metamorphosis.” The design of this eyewear series too is inspired by the shape of a spiral, translating it into a delicate design – it features sensuously appealing functionality, yet at the same time also presents a new approach towards the understanding and construction of eyewear. The eyewear is focused around a spiral hinge of avant-garde appeal that is fascinating to almost any beholder – it makes the hinge look like a refined accessory, but actually it the basic design element. In their search for a form of reduced complexity, the designers came up with the idea of designing a hinge using the principles of helix geometry. This resulted in a dynamic form language for an eyewear that works completely without screws. The working principle of the helix-shaped hinge is convincing and attaching the temple follows a few logical steps: the spiral temple is simply attached to the front by placing the tip of the temple in the top hole in the front and turning it three times. Once in place, the design of the spiral-shaped hinge restricts the temple from opening more than 90 degrees, providing a safe fit. By translating a basic principle found in nature into a design shape, the helix series embodies a new and fascinating approach in eyewear design – complexity reduced through a basic shape.

丹麦设计工作室Tools Design的这一系列眼镜的设计灵感来自于螺旋状的物体。它新潮的外观非常地吸人注目:它就像是某种活页文件夹,眼镜架的末端是螺旋状的。这种接口不仅使整副眼镜看起来很别致,而且很实用,因为它不像传统的眼镜一般需要微型螺钉来加固。只要将镜架的螺旋铰链套进镜面的小孔,转动三次就可以牢牢地固定整架眼镜。固定之后,螺旋状的金属铰链可以把镜架的角度限制在180度之内,让眼镜保持舒适的感觉。
