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1. 深圳市宝安中心区滨海地带城市设计国际招标公告

 International Consultation Invitation on Urban Design of The Coastal Zone of the Central District in Baoan.Shenzhen 1.项目背景 1.Background 宝安中心区包括滨海片区和碧海片区,与南山前海、后海共同组成深圳城市双中心之一——前海中心。本...

/show-19542.html 2012-03-08

2. 现代建筑派大师:诺曼·福斯特(Norman Foster)

... electric vehicle1992 - 1996 offices for electricité de france1992 - 1997 design centre, london1992 - 1997 kowloon canton railway terminal1992 - 1998 HACTL superterminal and express centre1992 - 1998 hong kong international airport1992 - 1999 new german parliament (reichstag, berlin)1993 - 1995 for...

/show-15272.html 2011-09-08